background music +

Music curation

We understand that your stores deal with different customer profiles throughout the day. And can consist of different areas or departments.

Some of these “zones” might benefit from popular radio hits, while other zones should broadcast a balanced selection of high quality rights-included music.

Our music managers, specialized in music curation for businesses, are available to support you in making the right decisions.

staff engagement

Every morning, in every single store, BizMusiq will be turned on by your staff or a franchisee. A perfect opportunity to use the same screen for marketing and communication purposes.

BizMusiq offers headquarters and (consumer) brands a custom MarCom portal to share e-learning modules, product discounts, HR news, social media updates and other relevant news on a daily basis with franchisees, store managers and staff members.

hassle-free service

Whether it’s the cost savings you are interested in, organizing the best possible music service for your target audience or the transition from your current music provider to our future proof solution, feel free to contact us and we’ll go over the possibilities.

Our music managers, business developers, web developers and legal advisors will gladly help you In any way they can.

Interested in our custom solutions? Contact us and find out more.

a smart mix
of the most

The positive effect of background music on your business performance and brand identity might not be the first thing on your mind, but did you know you can influence your target audience and staff members by introducing different music “zones” in your building?

Business case: Car dealership.
TThe average car dealership consists of different areas/zones, such as a showroom, offices and the workshop. The car mechanics in the workshop might want to listen to their favorite radio show, however the same radio show isn’t the best solution for creating the right ambiance in the showroom. The showroom needs a well-balanced music program designed to reflect your brand identity and improve the overall atmosphere..

Contact us if you want to learn more about using effective music programs to create different zones ranging from popular radio shows to custom rights-included music programs handcrafted for your needs.

Customer stories

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